17 abr 2013

A simple farewell tribute.

Sorry for the digression, but to whom I'll tell this.
My place to do astronomy, my "observatory" always called "The Eye of Owi"
And this is so in recognition of my cat, Owi, loving and loyal companion of countless nights of astronomy.
Well, after 16 years from Owi decided to go to the place we've seen so many nights together.
Well this little farewell to my dear and unselfish friend.

Owi on the roll off  of the observatory.

My cat in his workplace at the observatory.

13 abr 2013

3 small galaxies in one photo

All three are in the constellation Virgo.
NGC 4760 is the brightest and spherical. It is an elliptical galaxy.
Its coordinates are RA 12h53m06s, -10 ° 30'00 ".
Its magnitude is 11.40 and its size is 2 'x 1.8'.

NGC 4766 is a galaxy of type SO. It is the closest to NGC 4766.
Its coordinates are RA 12h53m06s, DE-10 ° 22'59 ".
Its magnitude is 15.00 and its size is 1 "x 18"


The other is NGC 4575.
Its coordinates are RA 12h 52m 48s, -10 ° 19'00 ".
Its magnitude is 15.00 and its size is 1.2 "x 18".
The 3 are spaced 0.1 to 0.2 °.

Another galaxy in the constellation Virgo

At this time, since these latitudes, the constellation Virgo is high at midnight.
Then take the opportunity to photograph these wonders located millions of light years away.
This photograph is of the galaxy NGC 4781. It is a smaller galaxy that the Milky Way. Has light 55,000 years in diameter.
Its coordinates are RA 12h54m24s and -10 ° 31'59 ".
It has a magnitude of 11.10. It is much more tenuous than Messier 104.
Are in Group II of Virgo. Its size is 3.4 "x 1.4".
It is a barred spiral galaxy SO class.
Within its structure is a way to hook very peculiar.
He catches sight of a smaller galaxy: NGC4784 is of a size of 1.2 "x 18" and an apparent magnitude of 15.0. NGC4781 and NGC 4784 are separated by 0.1 °.
The photo was also taken with a Meade DSI Pro camera, with frames of 1 minute of exposure.

The galaxy Messier 104

This photograph was taken in 2013 april 12 with a Meade DSI Pro camera, a telescope Hokenn 200/1000 and a filter Celestron UHC / LPR. The exposure was 1 minute.
This galaxy is in the constellation Virgo. RA 12h40m00s and -11 ° 37'00 ".
At that time was 65 ° above the horizon. Its magnitude is 8.00 and its apparent size is 8.6 'x 4.2'. His name is "Hat Galaxy".
It is a type barred galaxy Sat. But is an eliptical giant galaxy.
Is 29 million light years from Earth. It is an oddly shaped galaxy. His bulky form and dark belt are rare. The center is a supermassive black hole.

7 abr 2013

NGC 3132

I share with you this picture.
I took it at midnight between yesterday and today.
It is the planetary nebula South Ring in the constellation Vela.
It's located in the sky is AR 10H 07m 35s and -40 ° 30 '16 "
It is 2000 light years from Earth. Its size is 0.5 light year.
The star at the center of the nebula is not the cause of the phenomenon but something very near invisible in this photograph.
The visible star is younger than the star emitting gas.
They can see some interesting peripheral details.
It has an apparent magnitude of 9.87 and a dimension of 84 x 53 arcsec.
It is the first relatively cool night  in our austral autumn (about 10 ° C at home). This is good for the camera.
The broader picture is smaller than the original photo. The other picture is a cut that.
I used a Canon D450 modified. ISO 1600 and 50 "exposure.
It is the result of 73 frames processed with DSS and Photoshop.
I hope you like it!